Scott Welsh  

Current Events and Politics


  posted by Scott @ 9:44 AM

Thursday, January 01, 2009  


  posted by Scott @ 10:48 AM

Wednesday, December 31, 2008  

Move Along, No Bias To See Here

The Philly Inquirer claims no bias in covering the war in Iraq, then why is the cover of today's Memorial Day edition anti-war? This article carries the headline 'I Cry Every Morning' with sub-headline (not in the online edition) 'Painful memories have yet to fade for families of those lost in Iraq' (emphasis mine).

Why, do just the families of those killed in Iraq grieve? Why did it not say families of those lost in the War on Terror? What about Afghanistan, the USS Cole, the Khobar Towers, the embassy in Beirut, and so on.

Isn't Memorial Day for those who've died in all wars the US has fought? I thought so. The Inquirer never fails to politicize a holiday or event to make to war seem unwinnable and hence, bad for President Bush.

It's a shame, in the same week the country presented the WWII Memorial to it's surviving members who pulled together to win that war, they are simultaneously attempting to rip the country apart on Iraq. More Americans died in NY on 9/11 than at Pearl Harbor. Think about that and pray for the families of dying soldiers in ALL wars.

  posted by Scott @ 4:12 AM

Monday, May 31, 2004  

War of Convenience

When is war good for the American left? War is good when it fits into the scope of revenge and would make a good movie. War is good when it is quick and clean. War is good when the President is a Democrat. First, in the days following September 11, the Hollywood community reacted by raising money and being part of any “cause event” that would generate interest. While some, if not most musicians felt they could contribute in healing ways and honor the victims of the terrorists (or Freedom Fighters if your on the left) cowardly act, the Hollywoodites just appeared to get some face time on camera. Why do I feel this way? Perhaps because the actors showcased have not been as generous with their time since these benefits. Have we seen George Clooney, Julia Roberts, or the myriad other stars doing anything remotely close to promoting the daily grind of the everyday soldier? With the possible exception of Tom Hanks, have these actors even attempted to rally the troops as the glitterati did during WW II? George Clooney had perhaps his greatest role as a soldier during the Gulf War. Alec Baldwin (is he still here) had his breakout role as a CIA operative in The Hunt For Red October. Is war only good if it’s on film and you get a lot of lines and exposure?

Secondly, during the “clean” actions such as the events in Bosnia or the launching of missiles into unmanned training camps and pharmaceutical factories the elite passed these off as acceptable. I didn’t hear much executive branch admonishment when these events occurred. I remember the Hollywood line as being all about the plight of the ethnically cleansed. Where were the “progressive” women groups when we were liberating women who hadn’t seen the sun through anything but a sheet of cloth for 5 years? If no soldiers get hurt and we accomplish nothing but start more inter-ethnic feuding, is this a just action?

Lastly, The media and the celebrity machine have been pumping out the usual rhetoric. We will get ourselves into a quagmire as the Soviets did. We will not topple Saddam without using 300,000 troops. We must not anger the Europeans. This is backward thinking when what we need are forward focused and serious officials. The policies must be well thought out and encompass a long-range strategy that ensures the terrorists know we are dead serious. They understand two things, power and fear. For far too long, we have not projected this scenario. The rest of the world will have to join us or stand aside. It is sad that we had to wait to get a man in office that feels the same as the majority of our citizens.

Perhaps, after eight years of telling Americans what the government thinks we can handle. We have a Chief Executive who tells us the truth and trusts we can handle it. The difference is enlightening for most of us and frightening for some.

  posted by Scott @ 11:22 AM

Sunday, March 31, 2002  

Mitt Romney is a coward. The athletes must dictate what the actions should be. The IOC has always hated the US with the exception of our money. Gotta go.

  posted by Scott @ 3:18 PM

Wednesday, February 06, 2002  

My first post, Ken Lay is called to congress and will take the fifth. If I was Lay I'd have stayed lost and been sitting on a beach somewhere. Eventually another shady Democrat will be elected president and will pardon him. Feel free to contact me about any posts you see. I will set up links and send you around the web to some cool sites. I will include politics, music, sports, current events, and interesting stuff.

  posted by Scott @ 3:55 PM

Tuesday, February 05, 2002  
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